Sale/Rent of real estate rent in Kuwait, UAE, Bahrain, Oman, Qatar and Egypt
What you can do with Bo3qar !!
Select the country you want to search for properties and also select your preferred language from Arabic or English.
The types of service you want to search for, such as selling, buying, renting of real estate and request and barter properties. After that sections will shows the types of desired properties to be searched for each department.
Where different types of real estate can be accessed by clicking on any section of them to enter the properties shown for this section as shown below the main sections of the application as an add declaration for offices and real estate companies and advertisements for subscribers in addition to the numbers and this list below shows most pages of the application.
Show properties displayed in the user-selected section.
Learn more about user-selected property data and contact information for your office or company.
Advanced search feature through which the user can search for specific specifications of the desired property to be searched for.
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